
Can't get enough...

Sure can't!

Ever since I discovered Petite bloggers not too long ago (about 3weeks maybe).... I find myself having my morning coffee in the computer, blog reading, taking notes and purchasing from their blog sale! ^.^ I have no fashion sense until recently! Thanks to them, I am learning quite a lot, fashion-wise!

Being short in stature or vertically challenged, sometimes I find it hard to mingle or socialize with others, just because I am not that confident over all! I'm just glad I found these fellow petites!

<-- On the left side bar are among my favorite bloggers!


  1. I think the petite community is always growing and it's great that you're finding a lot of helpful advice! I know I learned a lot once I started! =)

  2. Thank you PLG, Stylepint and Judy! Petite blogger community are my latest addiction not to mention my source of inspiration!:)


Mabuhay! Hello there! Thanks for dropping by!